Children's Kwanzaa Traditions Registration
Please complete the form below.  Thank you in advance for celebrating with us.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Mobile Telephone Number *
Total number of adults attending *
Total number of children attending *
Pre-Ordered MOSO Cafe Food Box Available for Purchase.
$12.00 Meal Box Includes 
A. Brisket Sliders (3 sliders, slaw & pickles) or B. Chicken Sliders (3 sliders, peppers, tomato, truffle mayo) with house made chips

$5.00 Small Salad
Tomato, Red Onions, Cucumbers

$5.00 Mac n Cheese

$7.00 Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookie

Would you like to order a dinner box? *
Please Confirm Your Food Box Order Below
a link to cafe will be provided after registration so that you may finalize/purchase your meal order
Let's Stay Connected!
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Thank you for registering!
We look forward to seeing you at our event.
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